Same day flower delivery available
It may not always be easy to find the right words to express regret or apologise. Showing your remorse through 'I'm Sorry' flowers and apology gifts can be very powerful. Throughout the ages, flowers have been a useful and beautiful gesture to express remorse and make amends. Interflora’s ‘I’m Sorry’ range of flowers and hampers are the perfect way to make peace with loved ones and show them that you care.
Flowers have been tested time and again as a way to effectively convey a person’s message, especially an apology. Nobody’s perfect, we all mess up. Sometimes you just can’t seem to find the right words to make an apology feel as meaningful as you want it to be. It is a fact of life that sometimes apologies are hard but necessary. Giving them a beautifully arranged flower bouquet from our 'I'm Sorry' Collection will give you the best chance at forgiveness from that special someone in your life.
It is guaranteed to not only express your regret but also your sincerity and honest intentions. Because you know just as well as we do, actions speak much louder than words! Buying or sending the right apology flowers is one great step towards forgiveness.
Region | Cut-Off Time (Same-Day Delivery) | Important Information |
Australia (Metro & Regional) | 2:00 PM local time Monday to Friday. No deliveries on Sunday. | Local time is based on the destination's timezone. Next-Day & Future Deliveries are available for scheduling between Monday to Friday of any given week. |
Australia (Remote/Regional) | 2:00 PM local time Monday to Friday. 10:00 AM local time Saturday. No deliveries on Sunday. | Local time is based on the destination's timezone. Next-Day & Future Deliveries are available for scheduling between Monday to Friday of any given week. |
International | Subject to specific countries & timezones. Use our calendar function on the product page to find the next possible delivery date. |