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Inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s Poppies and Butterflies, Interflora’s Poppies and Butterflies arrangement offers a vibrant display of poppies in a glass vase. This arrangement captures the essence of Van Gogh's 1889 painting, with the deep red poppies echoing the lively energy of the original work.
Van Gogh's Poppies and Butterflies, painted in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, features delicate poppies set against a striking blue background. He began with the flowers and butterflies, then added the background, where broad blue strokes overlap the green stems, leaving portions of the canvas unpainted. The varied greens add depth, bringing the tangle of stems and leaves to life, with buds just on the brink of blooming.
Interflora’s Poppies and Butterflies arrangement brings this masterpiece into your home, presenting the poppies in a clear glass vase that emphasises their vivid colours and delicate beauty. Perfect for art lovers, this floral arrangement captures Van Gogh’s artistic spirit and adds a touch of timeless elegance to any space.
Your purchase supports the work of The Van Gogh Museum.