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The "Eternal Remembrance Flowers" bouquet is a heartfelt and elegant floral bouquet designed to convey sympathy and honor the memory of a loved one. This funeral bouquet features red leucadendron, pin cushion, orange spray rose, and yellow freesia, carefully selected for their beauty and symbolism. The bouquet is adorned with gum, viburnum, solidago, and smokebush, creating natural elegance and warmth. The bouquet is thoughtfully wrapped in white kraft paper and tied with olive ribbon, symbolising peace and remembrance. The "Eternal Remembrance Flowers" bouquet serves as a meaningful tribute to honour the life of a loved one and express condolences during a difficult time. It's thoughtful combination of flowers and foliage conveys a message of eternal remembrance and serves as a comforting gesture to share sympathy and support to those who are grieving.
Flowers pictured are the Standard size.
Delivery: Express your condolences with ease through our flower delivery service, offering online same-day delivery across Australia for all orders placed before 2 pm Monday to Friday. Let this beautiful bouquet convey your heartfelt sentiments to those in need during difficult times.
Product Measurements:
Length: 83cm
Width: 42cm