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Family Christmas Hamper

Sweet and Savoury Hamper with Cheese


Celebrate the magic of Christmas with our perfect "Family Christmas Hamper." This thoughtfully curated assortment of festive delights is designed to bring joy and togetherness to your holiday celebrations.

Indulge in the savoury goodness of Sea Salt & Sesame Artisan Crackers, perfect for pairing with Prestige Camembert Cheese, creating a delightful cheese platter. Sweeten the festivities with Honey Coated Popcorn, Festive Jolly Jellies, and the rich flavours of Grandma's Traditional Plum Pudding. Explore the savoury side with Smoked Kalamata Olives, Fireball Chilli Mustard, and delicious Shortbread Bites. Add a touch of elegance with Quince Paste and Spiced Pear Paste. Plus, enjoy the delightful crunch of Traditional Merry Christmas Handmade Rock Candy.

All these delightful treasures are beautifully presented in a Medium White Box, making it the perfect family Christmas gift idea. Embrace the spirit of the season and create cherished memories with loved ones as you savour these festive treats together.

Accessories shown are for illustration purposes only and are not included in the hampers shown. Please refer to the contents listing.


Valley Produce co Sea Salt & Sesame Artisan Crackers 130g

The Regimental Company Co Honey Coated Popcorn 80g

Kangaroo Island Smoked Kalamata Olives 185g

Kelly's Festive Jolly Jellies 220g

Random Harvest Fireball Chilli Mustard 150g

Random Harvest Shortbread Bites 100g

Random Harvest Quince Paste 60g

Random Harvest Spiced Pear Paste 60g

Prestige Camembert Cheese 125g

Grandma's Traditional Plum Pudding 200g

Random Harvest Merry Christmas Rock Candy 170g

Medium White box

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This hamper is hand made to order, so it cannot be delivered on the same day.

This product is delivered via next business day express Postal Services.
Please understand that orders can occasionally be delayed by StarTrack or Australia post for reasons outside of our control.

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...