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Mauve Blooms

Mixed Flower Bouquet

This bouquet features burgundy sim carnations, snapdragons and mauve chrysanthemums (Polaris), elegantly complemented by delicate emille foliage. This carefully crafted arrangement brings warmth and elegance, making it perfect for expressing sentiments of love and admiration. Embrace the rich hues of burgundy and mauve in this enchanting bouquet, thoughtfully designed for a timeless and heartfelt gift.

5% of the sales of this product go directly to Water for a Village

Water for a Village Charity is an organisation working in Ethiopia. They empower Ethiopian communities to build clean, fresh water sources.

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Product Measurements:

Height: 45cm

Width: 42cm

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...